Don’t Take a Gamble On Your Health
You have 100 percent freedom over your body, but not everything is beneficial for it. “Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive.” We’d all rather have a cure than a band-aid. Medicine can often be merely a band-aid in an attempt to fix your physical and mental ailments. It can even be poisonous if you have an unsuspected allergic reaction or experience negative side effects from the drug. It is usually a gamble.
Holistic care will always be your best bet in accomplishing total restoration. Whether you have back pain or stress from work, Reflexology is a therapeutic method that will bring you noticeable results in your overall well-being without the risk of negative side effects.
Reflexology doesn’t necessarily heal a bodily abnormality; instead it removes any hindrances the body may have from healing itself. The International Institute of Reflexology’s website states, “Doctors agree that over 75% of our health problems can be linked to nervous stress and tension. Reflexology improves nerve and blood supply, and helps nature to normalize.” Think about it… a person’s stress level is directly connected to the level of symptoms someone who suffers from diseases such as asthma, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and many other diseases. The tragic cycle is that a person with one of these diseases gets stressed over the fact that they have a disease, and as a result, the disease gets worse. Stress can even age a person more quickly than they would otherwise.
Reflexology requires that the same pressure points along the foot, hand, or face be addressed each time in order for the method to provide the desired outcomes. It is an intricate scientific method. Anyone can learn to do Reflexology, but you will benefit most by entrusting your health to a professional. The method includes “thumb walking,” which is a snail-like movement that covers the entirety of a person’s foot. It is similar, but not synonymous with a massage.